Open Letter to Honorable PM Modi and His NDA Alliance Partners & the Opposition India Alliance w/Leader Mr. Rahul Gandhi

Open Letter to Honorable PM Modi and His NDA Alliance Partners & the Opposition India Alliance w/Leader Mr. Rahul Gandhi

Washington, DC, USA – June 11, 2024

A big congratulations on the occasion of becoming and swearing in Honorable Narendra Modi as the PM of India for a third consecutive 5-year term.  This is a great news for India as this promises for the continuation of progress in domestic economy and international relations and trade.

PM Modi said upon winning the majority with his coalition partner, securing 293 seat majority in the Lower House of the Parliament in the elections held over two plus months in India, that he will bring in lessons learned over the last ten years of governing and will follow consensus to implement his policies.

Honorable President of the USA, Joseph R. Biden said in congratulating the success of PM Modi and his NDA Aliance that the potential for growth between India and the U.S. in trade and international relations for global peace and prosperity is unlimited.

While we all have differences with every leader of every country, PM Modi is also criticized for some of his policies questioning the democratic values of India.  Let there be no doubt, with over 640 million citizens of India who voted (out of the 950 million eligible voters), standing in line in hot and humid temperatures sometimes reaching 50 degrees Centigrade, dealing with high humidity and unbearable pollution, India has proved that it is continuing its tradition of being the largest and most peaceful Democracy in the world.

The opposition, India Alliance, also gained respect and many new members to a total of 232 seats in the Lower House of the Indian Parliament.  The leader of India Alliance, Mr. Rahul Gandhi, gained respect and acclamation for leading a disparate group of members and for holding them together while increasing his own Congress Party's lead by 50 plus seats to gain a total of 99 seats in the recent elections in India.

Krishnan Suthanthiran, President/Founder of TeamBest Global and Best Cure Foundation (BCF), is proud to be an Indo-American and proud of his Indian heritage and upbringing by his parents, who are his Gods that he prays them every morning and night before going to bed.

In memory of his late father whom he lost to cancer, Suthanthiran launched his Global War on Cancer on April 29, 2015 under BCF, a non-profit organization.  In memory of his late mother, Suthanthiran established, as a division of BCF, 3E — Education, Empowerment and Equality to globaly promote women and the underprivileged.

Suthanthiran plans to build a small temple for his parents at every non-profit medical center he plans to establish globally.  In addition, Suthanthiran has established a Think Tank, Proud Indian Party, to promote solutions to deal with India's challenges of poverty, youth unemployment, purified drinking or regular water, affordable sewer systems, and dealing with energy and high pollution.

Once again — a big congratulations to PM Modi and Mr. Gandhi!

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