Best Cure Foundation & TeamBest Launch Initiative to Transition Breast Cancer Screening from Mammography to Ultrasound

Best Cure Foundation & TeamBest Launch Initiative to Transition Breast Cancer Screening from Mammography to Ultrasound

Washington, DC, USA – May 6, 2024

The Best Cure Foundation (BCF), a non-profit 501(c)(3) NGO, and TeamBest Global (TBG) plan to launch an initiative aimed at transitioning breast cancer screening from mammography to ultrasound.  Currently, various professional associations and societies recommend annual breast cancer mammography screening for women aged 50 and above, and now, it's recommended for those aged 40 and above.

In reality, breast cancer is now being diagnosed in women as young as 20 years old.  However, many women are reluctant to get annual mammography due to the fear of increased radiation exposure.  Moreover, both breast and prostate are soft tissues, and prostate cancer screening is often performed with ultrasound.  Therefore, ultrasound can be an efficient screening modality for breast cancer.  Ultrasound has been found to be excellent in imaging the breast and therefore should work well in screening for breast cancer.

Best Nomos, a TBG company, has developed a state-of-the-art, high-resolution compact SONALIS ultrasound system that can be used on a stand or as a portable unit.  It includes a large 21.5" screen and has the ability to be used with as many as 20 different probes for imaging various sites in the body including breast and prostate.

After an initial evaluation with ultrasound, further investigation with PET or MRI can be performed if necessary.

It is recommended that all women, regardless of age, undergo a physical exam, including a breast exam with ultrasound, as part of their annual exam.

TBG plans to manufacture millions of these Best SONALIS compact ultrasounds with 21.5” high-resolution monitors both in the U.S. and India and to establish 1000s of diagnostic centers worldwide.

For more information, Click here to download the original press release.

Click here to download the PDF.

Click here to watch a video demonstration of the Compact Sonalis Ultrasound System.