Open Letter to the Organizers of UltraFest Annual Meetings

Open Letter to the Organizers of UltraFest Annual Meetings

Washington, DC, USA – (EIN PRESSWIRE) – June 19, 2023

Dr. Suthanthiran and his TeamBest Global (TBG) Companies exhibited at the 2023 UltraFest Annual Meeting, April 28-30, 2023, at the Hotel Tip Top International in Pune, Maharashtra, India.  In addition to their exhibit, TBG sponsored 10 UltraFest Best Awards, which included a beautiful plaque and 10,000 INR to the recipient.  Nearly 900 attendees received a large bag, multicolored pens, stainless steel rulers, and 2-meter pocket tape measures courtesy of TBG.

The Hotel Tip Top International and organizers of UltraFest 2023 did a superb job with the food, entertainment, arrangements, etc.  Dr. Suthanthiran stated, "UltraFest 2023 was one of the best organized and presented Scientific Meetings I have attended in my 51-year career—and I have attended over 1500 trade shows."

In light of how excellent UltraFest 2023 went and thinking towards the future, Dr. Suthanthiran has a few humble requests:

  1. TBG would like to continue to exhibit and support UltraFest Conferences every year, including UltraFest 2024 in Mumbai.
  2. TBG will continue to sponsor 10 UltraFest Best Awards every year, including the aforementioned plaque and monetary reward.
  3. TBG will continue to provide their customary bags and other gifts to attendees and exhibitors.
  4. Lastly, and most importantly, the organizers should select the Hotel Tip Top International in Pune as the venue every year.  First, there will not be better venue/staff/management than the Tip Top Hotel in Pune.  In other major cities, it is likely to be very expensive and attendees may stay in different hotels, which could be far from the venue.  This could be extremely inconvenient and having the accommodations for all the attendees at the same venue hotel is definitely the best option.  Secondly, the Mumbai Airport is huge and it often costs more to get to your hotel.  Lastly, The Hotel Tip Top International offered healthy vegetarian food—we are all Healthcare Professionals and must lead by example.  After all, Health is Wealth.  As the Indian Proverb goes, "A healthy person has many wishes, but a sick person has only one wish: to get Healthy."

For more information, please click here to view the original press release.

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