Krishnan Suthanthiran, President & Founder of TeamBest Companies and Best Cure Foundation, Seeks Partnerships With Major Corporations and Donors to Raise Capital for Launching His Global Healthcare Initiative
In June 2010, Krishnan Suthanthiran penned an Open Letter to Barack Obama in which he said, "Mahatma Gandhi dreamt of a free India. Today, it is the world's largest democracy. President John F. Kennedy dreamt of landing a man on the moon; eight years later we took that 'giant step for mankind.' Reverend Martin Luther King dreamt people would one day be judged by their character rather than their color. He helped pave the way for you to be elected President of the United States."
He continued, "I, too, have a dream – one shared by millions of our fellow Americans – and a plan to realize this dream of quality healthcare that is affordable and accessible to all, yet 30 percent lower in cost this decade. After all, everyone deserves the best healthcare." In September 2012, a report was issued from the Institute of Medicine (IOM) titled "Best Care at Lower Cost: The Path to Continuously Learning Health Care in America" that supports and confirms many of the same solutions Mr. Suthanthiran has been proposing since forming his Best Cure Foundation (BCF) in 2007. It is with these ideas in mind that he seeks partnerships with major corporations and donors to raise capital for launching his Global Healthcare Initiative over the next decade.
Having lost his father to cancer while he was an undergraduate student in engineering, he has dedicated his career to cancer research and treatment. TeamBest products and technologies have been used for more than six decades to treat and cure millions of cancer patients annually worldwide. On April 29th 2015, in memory of his father and the millions of people affected by cancer, he launched his career-long goal of a 'Global War on Cancer' promoting Proactive Healthcare Delivery Systems worldwide, which are focused on transparency of clinical benefits, outcome, and cost.
Using a Total Health Approach through prevention, early detection, and effective treatment, improvement of clinical outcomes are possible at a significantly lower cost. TeamBest and BCF are planning to create a global standard of healthcare delivery system using a hub-and-spoke model, with express and mobile clinics linked to general and multi-specialty medical centers. Kaiser Foundation, CVS, Walmart and others have been implementing similar ideas promoted by BCF since 2007.
BCF is also working towards providing purified drinking water and affordable sewer systems in every part of the world by the end of the next decade to reduce significantly many of the prevalent diseases in developing countries.
He has established a division under BCF called "3E – Education, Empowerment and Equality" to promote the development and advancement of women. It is his belief that every man and woman was given birth to, nursed, and nourished by women, and therefore, they share a greater responsibility in juggling career and family, in raising children and caring for the home. In memory of his mother, Mr. Suthanthiran is proud to support women around the world in pursuing their goals through the 3E organization.
Globally, Cardiac Diseases lead as the number one cause of death, with Cancer as the second. We spend 10+ Trillion USD a year for Healthcare Delivery worldwide, and it is growing by as much as 10% per year as the single largest economy in the world.
Please join TeamBest Companies and BCF in their global efforts through development of highly revolutionary cost-effective technologies and products to reduce death and suffering from Cancer, Cardiac, Diabetes and all major diseases, by 50% or more by the end of next decade 2030.
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