Message to Fellow Citizens of the World from Dr. Krishnan Suthanthiran: A New Focus on Literacy

Message to Fellow Citizens of the World from Dr. Krishnan Suthanthiran: A New Focus on Literacy

Washington, DC, USA – (EIN PRESSWIRE) – September 18, 2023

In observance of National Literacy Month (September), Dr. Krishnan Suthanthiran, President/Founder of TeamBest Global Companies, invites citizens of the world to focus on literacy in order to access better opportunities in life, to break the poverty cycle, and to improve the level of global health.  Suthanthiran believes, "Everyone deserves the Best Healthcare and Education.  Education is the most effective way to eliminate poverty and promote global understanding and peace."

Literacy empowers and liberates people.  Beyond its importance as part of the right to education, literacy improves lives by expanding capabilities which in turn reduces poverty, increases participation in the labor market, and has positive effects on health and sustainable development.

Illiteracy and low levels of literacy have been estimated to cost the global economy approximately 1.19 trillion annually.  More than two billion adults worldwide lack the essential literacy skills employers need.  Unemployment causes lost productivity which slows economic growth.

In an effort to promote reading and make it more accessible, Suthanthiran plans to have TBG companies manufacture one billion tablets and distribute them through his non-profit organization, Best Cure Foundation.  Please join his efforts.

September marks National Literacy Month, so take the time to read, volunteer, or encourage youth to explore new worlds at the library.

For more information, please click here to view the original press release.

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